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H bridge circuit

An H bridge is a kind of circuit you use to control the direction (and sometimes speed) of an electric motor, using only a single polarity voltage (you need to reverse the way current flows in order to reverse the way the motor rolls).

How it works:

You have 4 transistors, wired as ON OFF switches. Two signal lines allow you to run the motor in one direction, when reversed, the motor runs in the other direction. It's very straightforward to use and build, but be careful to use only small motors, as the currents drawn from the bigger types can burn your components.

There are 3 modes of operation:
Both equal ( on or off ): motor doesn't run, as it's shorted or not connected
S1 on, S2 off: motor runs in reverse ( from negative [blue] to positive [red] )
S1 off, S2 on: motor runs normal.

Also note, unless you use power transistors, you need to connect diodes across the transistors in order to protect from overvoltages.

Simplified schematic:

Welcome To Electronic Circuits For Beginners!

All circuits included here are recommended to be assembled in printed circuit boards. Printed circuit boards, or PCB's increase the circuit reliability and mechanical stability.

Circuits quick links:


Simple FM Transmitter


Led Flasher Circuit


Quadrocopters for beginners


Voltage follower circuit


Beginners Audio Amplifier


Led chaser circuit


Tone generator circuit


H bridge circuit


Simple power supply


Beginner Electronics mini course index


All circuits include parts list and complete How-it-works for beginners and hobbyists to easily understand.